Thursday 25 August 2016

Why I believe reading helps.

First of all, I am not saying the answer to addiction, anxiety and depression lies in simply picking up a book. It doesnt. It takes a lot of hard work, faith and courage. I will be posting more about my journey through drug dependency in later posts, but for now I am going to remain focused on the reading.

Alcoholism and addiction is a disease that centers in the mind and spirit, the big book of alcoholics anonymous describes it as a 'spiritual malady' and the answer in the big book is to have a faith in a higher power, which I have done, and it works.

But when all that is done we have to live life, that unfortunately means that as human beings, there are times when we will feel low, alone, and struggle with the thoughts that are in our own heads. In the past we have used drink or drugs to escape these thoughts and feelings, but now we have to find other ways to deal with 'life on lifes terms'

What a magical way to escape the thoughts in our own heads than to get lost in the thoughts in someone else's mind. A lot of great authors have used alcohol and stimulants and put pen to paper in order to escape, so I urge you to put your eyes to paper and explore the ideas that have come out of the minds of some wonderful writers.


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